Our services
Support Model
We provide a comprehensive support based on ITIL recommendation and best practices, however our support model not only follows ITIL principles but reflects our long-term experience from the field and deep understanding of our customers needs and requirements. Reliability and an extensive communication with customers are key components of our services delivery.
Operation Support Services
Service desk
As a part of our Gubi Spa IS Operation Support Services we offer Service Desk function. We have modernized this function recently by implementing new tools and processes and offer a full set of communication means to our Customers being User Portal, e-mail or live chat with Call Center operator. In all cases a request or incident is recorded and Customer is informed about proposed solution and current status. Various SLA levels are available based on Customer needs including 24x7 and 11 languages are available.
Incident and Problem Management
Various SLA levels are available to manage incidents and problems with reporting and regular SLA monitoring being an integral part of our service. Being a Gubi Spa developer we provide 3rd level support for our products, however in the case Customer needs 1st and 2nd level support outsourcing, we offer such a service as well. Incident and problem escalation and fixing follow well defined processes to guarantee quick and reliable fix to be available for Customer. Performance of all individuals and teams involved is measured and processes optimized. Customers is informed about incident status and fix availability continuously through Service Desk.
Request Fulfilment
Customers can communicate not only incidents and problems but can request information, advice or new functionality. All these fall under Request Fulfillment function and are recorded, classified assigned and fixed similar to incidents and problems following standard procedures and processes. A requestor is continuously informed about status of his or her request and about availability of new function. Request Fulfillment tools are directly connected to development teams and the process is strictly controlled and monitored.
Implementation Services
Pre-implementation analysis
It is our long-term experience that to implement new system or function successfully a detail analysis is needed. The analysis is delivered by our consultants having a long-term experience from the field and a deep understanding of various facilities operation. They craft an output report detailing in graphical and text forms Customer processes in the "as-it-is" mode. Based on the current situation, based on Customer feedback and requirements and based on their experience consultants prepare another document providing a description of required final status.
Implementation and system configuration
Implementation follows Implementation Plan and it is done by our experienced implementation team based on approved Project Plan. All project phases and particular steps are monitored and potential deviations fixed based on approved project methodology.
Acceptance and validation
A delivered solution or function is subject to acceptance prior its commercial launch. We strongly recommend to use a test environment for initial testing and in the case customer doesn't have any, we can provide our test environment upon a commercial order. Very important part of acceptance process are preparation of test cases and tests planning. Both are typical enclosed to Delivery Contract.
Implementation plan and HW/SW requirements
Based on an outcome of pre-implementation analysis an implementation plan is crafted detailing the solution to be implemented. It covers system configuration, specification of modules used, interfaces specification, parameters settings, HW/SW requirements and many other parameters to put the solution into operation. As a part of Implementation Plan a detail Project Plan is prepared describing required resources and project timing.
Project Management
To manage delivery we offer experienced and fully certified Project Managers having a long-term experience with Spa IS implementation who manage the delivery based on approved Project Plan.
Gubi Spa further Development
SW updates
As an incident or problem fix a patch is developed and distributed to all Customers to prevent that they will experience the same misbehavior of the system as reported originally. Customer can decide if they will deploy the announced patch or not, however the patch will be built into the next release by default.
SW upgrades
New functionalities (new release candidates) are proposed by Customers, by development teams or they are enforced by new Law. SW upgrades are available typically once a year and can either be pre-paid or purchased separately. To form a new release we use a well established and standardized process starting with release candidate collection, presentation and discussion with key Customers. Than the release gets frozen and development starts. Once all new functions and planned modifications are available the release is carefully tested using our test environment and piloted at first Customer. Finalizing Pilot deployment successfully the release is generally available to all Customers.
A product Roadmap is available to our Customers describing existing, planned and supported releases. For all these releases End of Life and End of Support are clearly communicated to allow Customers to plan their upgrades carefully.
Customer modifications and customization
All requirements are recorded within Service Desk function. They are evaluated and an effort to prepare a solution together with price proposal are delivered back to the requestor. Should the Customer agree the proposed solution, required functionality is made a part of development plan.
Based on long term experience in the field of Spa IS development and implementation as well as knowledge of Spa and Wellness operation procedures and processes, we offer experience and consultancy based on specific Customer needs. As an example Spa processes analysis and optimization, Spa IS assessment or IS support model audit could serve an example. Consultancy is available not only to our existing Customers but public bodies and all organizations from Spa industry as well.